What's On
Community Sukkah Social
for Year K 2025
Do you have a child entering Year K in 2025 at a non-Jewish School in 2025?
Join us in the East or North at our Community Sukkah Social and learn about the Jewish organizations that are here to support your child's Jewish Journey, as well as connect and meet with other families in a fun and engaging way. Bring the whole family for crafts, games and activities. Registration is essential - https://form.jotform.com/BJENSW/2024-sukkah-social
If you are unable to attend but would still like to receive information, please register your details https://form.jotform.com/.../not-able-to-attend-2024...
Bookings close Wednesday 14 October 12 noon
In addition to the services and events presented by The North Shore Synagogue, there are a variety of other groups holding exciting activities on our campus. We encourage you to participate in them:
NSS Choir
Join the choir! Enjoy the camaraderie and musical skills enhancement, while being guided by one of Australia's leading choirmasters, Dr Joseph Toltz.
Contact: Chazan Zvi Teichtahl zvi.teichtahl@gmail.com p: 0402208211
Israeli Dancing
Thursdays at 7:30pm
Contact Dalit: dalitlr@gmail.com
Israeli Scouts (HaTzofim)
See: https://hatzofim.org.au/
Sundays from 3:00 pm to 5:00
Contact: 0468 992 482
One Chapter at a Time
Monthly meetings - discuss short stories
Contact Diana: dlaufer01@gmail.com
NCJW Mum for Mum
Contact Karene karene@mumformum.org.au