
Shacharit services on Thursday at 6:40am.
Shabbat services are at 6:30pm on Friday night and Saturday morning from 9:15am.
Join our Morning Minyanim
A reminder of our morning minyan - whether you come once a month, once a week, or can only commit to some -even for a yahrzeit, Bar Mitzvah / wedding anniversary etc. (in addition to Shabbat services)
Please nominate some dates you can come at:
Please read the Rabbi's Weekly Newsletter for all service details.
WhatsApp channels
The NSS now runs a number of WhatsApp channels on various topics.
Click the links below following each group and join in the discussions!
NSS Kollel to discuss Jewish law, ask Rabbi a question related to Judaism or just share a spiritual thought:
NSS Minyanim to arrange mid-week prayer services - come along and learn how to pray:
Haftorot Channel If you can prepare a haftarah or want to give your Bar Mitzvah (or others) a go, please join this dedicated Haftorot channel: