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Associated Groups

The Synagogue has several halls and meeting rooms and welcomes organisations to hold their meetings on our premises. If your group would also like to make use of our facilities, please contact the office on (02) 94163 710

In addition to the services and events presented by The North Shore Synagogue, there are a variety of other groups holding exciting activities on our campus. We encourage you to participate in them:

NSS Choir
Join the choir! Rehearsals every Sunday, 5pm to 6:30pm in the shul.  Commencing Sunday 19 June.
Enjoy the camaraderie and musical skills enhancement, while being guided by one of Australia's leading choirmasters, Dr Joseph Toltz.
Contact: Chazan Zvi Teichtahl p: 0402208211

Israeli Dancing
Thursdays at 7:30pm
Contact Dalit:


Israeli Scouts (HaTzofim)
Sundays from 3:00 pm to 5:00
Contact: 0468 992 482

Iyengar Yoga
General (for students who have previously done Iyengar Yoga)
Monday        10:00-11:30am, 7:30-9:00pm
Wednesday   7:30-9:00pm 
Thursday      6:45-8:00pm
Phone Ruth 0400 135 537

Israeli Scouts (HaTzofim)
Sundays at 2:00om
Contact Elik: 0448 379 403

One Chapter at a Time
Monthly meetings - discuss short stories
Contact Diana:

NCJW Mum for Mum
Regular meetings
Contact Karene


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Synagogue Office (02) 9416 3710


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©2024 by The North Shore Synagogue. 

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